Why hire Randall Niles and ETHICS in ACTION, LLC?
I'm a "poster-child" for the terrible cycle of ethical decline in American corporate culture. I've been a passive participant, a whistle-blowing witness, and an academic observer noting the signs and calculating the costs of moral demise.
I was born in 1966. I was raised in a broken home, rejected my Christian roots at a young age, and absorbed the relativist doctrine of the Academy during the 1980's. As a corporate/securities lawyer in the 1990's, I represented the best and brightest during the California "techno-tainment" boom. Each day, I quietly watched the ethical chaos as I collected my accolades, hourly fees, and stock options. Mercifully, we all crashed on the shores of market reality at the turn of the Millennium.
…And a few of us were shaken hard enough to wake from our ethical slumber.
Although far from "sainthood," I've spent the last seven years returning to my spiritual roots and studying business, law, justice, ethics, morality, human nature, organizational behavior, religion, philosophy, and worldviews from an entirely new perspective.
Today, I'm an attorney, educator, writer and speaker. I spend much of my time pursuing my passion developing cutting-edge media to spark critical thinking and truth-seeking in a new generation. My goal is to take people from passive to active in their ethical, organizational, and spiritual lives. My style is energy, encouragement, and interaction.
In addition to providing traditional legal services, I've spent the last seven years serving in non-profit leadership. During that time, I've written and published hundreds of articles on comparative worldviews and Christian apologetics across a dynamic Internet platform known as AllAboutGOD.com. I also teach courses at Colorado Christian University in the areas of business, law, philosophy, and ethics.
My education includes Georgetown University (business & government - BSBA 1988), U.C. Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law (business and law - JD 1991), and Oxford University (business & philosophy - no degree). I am an active member of the California Bar, but I currently live in Colorado with my wife and three kids.
Randall Niles
Read more: Contact Randall Niles
NOTE: Randall Niles provides ethics consulting and training on a national basis through ETHICS in ACTION, LLC. Although Randall Niles is licensed to practice law in California, he cannot provide legal services in other jurisdictions beyond the scope of his ethics programs. If necessary, local counsel may be retained in connection with certain legal matters.