We have an executable plan that's fully compliant for any size organization and totally reasonable in time, scope, and cost. Here's what we can do together...
- Conduct industry-specific legal review and analysis of common ethical issues.
- Perform organization-wide ethics audit, including confidential surveys/interviews.
- Consult with leadership regarding ethics issues, education, strategy & "buy-in."
- Review, brainstorm, and recast statements of vision, mission, values & culture.
- Develop a reasonable, effective, and statutory "Compliance and Ethics Program."
- Create a code of ethics, code of conduct, and other required policy statements.
- Adopt formal Board resolutions approving the "Compliance and Ethics Program."
- Implement strategy and timeline for delivery and training across entire organization.
- Deliver program elements in written formats (memos, newsletters, websites, etc.).
- Satisfy "effectiveness" standard through interactive case studies, meetings, seminars.
- Provide continuing education credit for leadership and professional employees.
- Move from "compliance" to "culture" through retreats, incentives, and special events.
- Conduct periodic ethics reviews through audits, interviews, and surveys.
- Consult with leadership team on internal and external ethical/legal matters.
- Revise "Compliance and Ethics Program" to address current and foreseen issues.
- Perform annual (organization)/semi-annual (leaders)/periodic (significant hire) training.
- Establish ethics committee (or extend audit committee) on the Board of Directors.
- Staff and source team for day-to-day ethics guidance/compliance (size/scope-based).
- Create hotlines and/or web tools for anonymous, confidential guidance/reporting.
- Enforce "Compliance and Ethics Program" on a consistent basis.
- Build a New Culture of ethics, excellence, and excitement within the organization.
- Encourage New Thinking in employee behavior, performance, and legacy.
- Spark a New Passion for the vision, mission, and values of the organization.
- Cherish a New Opportunity to build trust, loyalty, and relationship with stakeholders.
"Culture, more than rule books, determines how a corporation behaves."
(Warren Buffet)
Read more: Randall Niles
"People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed. The real job of every moral teacher is to keep on bringing us back... to the old simple principles which we are all so anxious not to see; like bringing a horse back and back to the fence it has refused to jump." C.S. Lewis